

Pleasure – Artist Portrait

Feminine Rising Collection

Painting size: 24×48 Inches
Painting Medium: Acrylic, Oil, Glaze, and Pastels

Artist: Rochelle White
Artist Website:

1 in stock



I use to separate love from sex.
Sex… was not love to me
Because everyone I loved, left me.
Eventually I realized that I had to love me. To find love in sex.
To love my sexuality I had to learn it was ok to inhibit my body
To do so I started to breeeaasth.

Your sexuality is connected to the fire in the core of the planet, just like it,
You reproduce and create. To birth. To be a queen. Mother Earth. Gods own creation.
You are not less than because of your reproductive organs. Or How you chose to use them.
The sensual nature of your body mirrors that of the planet that inhabits life and breath.
So breeeaasth. So Breathe.

Feel it reach your inner things.
Do not feel shame because of the feelings you have inside.
But breath into the meditative qualities.
The super powers of your body.
You are not lust only, but maybe love
None-the-less feel, listen and contemplate this urge,
allow it to be wordless.
And breath.


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